
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

providing educational
resources to children
in need

Safe + Easy Donations

Redirecting Today. Building a Better Tomorrow

The Kamille Project is a registered not for profit in Canada giving a helping hand to schools in the Caribbean. We pride ourselves on removing what may be have slated for landfills, and repurposing it for children in need.

Furniture and Supplies

The Kamille Project collects office furniture and any supplies that could be utilized in a classroom setting.

Become a Volunteer

Get involved in helping move donations from source to storage and then to shipping.

Make a donation

Send a financial donation to support or cause, or donate unwanted furniture or supplies.




We redirect surplus furniture and office supplies to children in need, bridging the gap between surplus and scarcity. By doing so, we provide essential resources for learning and development while actively contributing to environmental conservation by diverting usable items from landfills. Our mission is to enhance educational environments, reduce waste, and inspire a sustainable future for all.

Building Brighter Tomorrows: Our vision is a world where every child has access to quality education and resources for growth. We strive to create sustainable solutions that not only provide essential furniture and office supplies to those in need but also promote environmental stewardship by reducing waste. Through our efforts, we envision empowered communities, thriving educational environments, and a greener, more sustainable planet for future generations.

  • Serving the Underserved
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Transparency and Accountability

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Become a Volunteer

Why We Need You

There is strength in numbers

We need help to pick up and move stuff. 

Spread the word

We need people to help source items for donation. Maybe you know of an office that's upgrading? Anything will help.

Make this bigger than ourselves

Spreading the word makes this movement even more impactful.